WOYOU Payment Methods
Payment Methods
Please note that this website only supports online payments via CoinPal. If your preferred payment method is offline payment or wire transfer, please contact us via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp at +86 186 1231 1115 so that we can assist you with placing your order.
We Accept the Following Payment Methods:
Method 1: Online Payment via CoinPal
Supports multiple currency payment options. You can place an order directly on the website and pay with cryptocurrency (BTC, USDT, USDC, ETH accepted).
Note: All cryptocurrency payments received on our website are automatically converted into USDT. If the product is out of stock, we will contact you to arrange a refund. The refund amount will be based on the USD price at the time of your order.
Method 2: Offline Payment
- USDT TRC20 Address: Starts with “TTQeKQvKhA” and ends with “sSXH8okxg7”
- USDT ERC20 Address: Starts with “0x3E519609” and ends with “4ACf0ed4D9”
- Do not add any remarks to your transfer.
- Please ensure that the transaction fee is included.
Method 3: Bank Transfer
Make payments directly from your bank account. Please use your Order # as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds are received.
Bank Transfer Details:
- Beneficiary’s Account Number: ****2 179
- SWIFT Code (Bank Code): CZ****2X
- For pre-orders, we accept installment payments. To apply for an installment plan, please contact our customer service team.
- For bulk orders, please contact our customer service team to inquire about discounts.
- If you encounter any issues with your payment, please contact our customer service via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp at +86 186 1231 1115.
Payment Security Checklist
- Verify that communication emails are sent from woyouminer.com or any address ending with @woyouminer.com. Additionally, we may use [email protected] for communication.
- If you contact us via Telegram or WhatsApp, please ensure you connect with us through the official website links.